brick repair

Brick Restoration


As part of an extensive programme of works at London’s Whipps Cross Hospital, Newman’s are carry out brick restoration to a huge area of wall.

In our opinion brick is the most visually appealing building material.  Unfortunately due to failed mortar, water ingress and years of exposure to the elements, in particular the freeze thaw effects of winter, brick faces can become damaged and unsightly. Read more…

Author: Jon Newman
Categories: Brick Restoration, Brick Tinting, Building and Structural Repairs, Current Projects

Brick Repairs

Newman’s are currently undertaking brick repairs to a grade II* listed building as part of a complete refurbishment of the external fabric of the building.

The building in Blandford town centre was constructed in the early 1800’s and originally used as a pub having changed ownership and use of the building had changed from pubs, restaurants to shops and now a cafe is being adapted into a national chain of opticians.

Brick Repairs

We were contracted by a brewery of whom we regularly carry out repairs, to act as a main contractor to design a scheme of aesthetical and structural repairs.

The lime mortar was suffering from failure with many areas of missing and loose pointing requiring reinstatement. Using specialist lime mortars sourced locally all areas are being repointed, cracked bricks are to be repaired and structural cracks reinforced with bed joint reinforcement.

We are a specialist in undertaking works involving listed buildings and are able to provide consultancy, design and installation.

Contact us today if you require our services

Brick Repair in Progress

Author: Jon Newman
Categories: Building and Structural Repairs